Begrünt graue Wände

Weniger CO2 und Luftschadstoffe

Einfache Anbringung
Green design your loved ones are guaranteed to enjoy. Living algae sustainably remove harmful pollutants from the air.

Nutze die Superkraft der Mikroalgen und hol dir dein Alwe Unikat – ein lebendes Algenbild für eine bessere Luft, frei von Chemikalien & Schadstoffen

Alwe im Überblick
The heart of Alwe consists of a living microalgae biofilm. This filters air pollutants from the passing air and breaks them down.
One Alwe can bind 30-50% of the air pollutants of a 25m² room.
The fixing rail on the back allows Alwe to be easily mounted like a normal picture.
The frame is made of recycled plastic. Alwe is therefore completely silent.
A tank on the back of the picture holds 500 mL of water. With this, an Alwe can manage up to 3 weeks without further water refilling.
Air circulation is favored by photosynthesis, so there is no need for moving parts or electrical components.
With their special pigments, algae can use even very weak light to produce oxygen. This makes them perfect companions for our interiors.
How does Alwe work?

Alwe ist ein lebendiges Wandekor
Your algae picture is simply attached to the wall. At the back is a water tank that supplies the algae with moisture.

Durch den speziellen Rahmen kann die Luft durch das Alwe zirkulieren
The algae inside the algae housing breathe through photosynthesis. This supports the air circulation through the algae.

Algae bind and decompose
air pollutants
At the surface between air and algae, air pollutants are bound and metabolized by the algae. The result is of course better air.
What our customers say
"I travel a lot in my job and especially at home, nature does me good. Since I live in the backyard, I would rather have my apartment as Designate plant cemetery. With my Alwe I finally found something for my "un-green" thumb."

Alwe Brand
Auf Anfrage wird Alwe mit einem individuellen Design Ihrer Wahl veredelt. Zeigen Sie Kunden und Mitarbeitern Ihren Einsatz für gesunde Luft und vermarkten Sie gleichzeitig Ihr Unternehmen – ideal für Empfangshallen, Rezeptionen und Besprechungsräume.
Mit den grünen superpowers of microalgae Alwe™ takes harmful air pollutants, such as CO2, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Particulate matter and Chemicals (VOCs) and deactivates these.
With Alwe™ Function meets Design. The natural air cleansing know from plants or algae are combined with space-efficient design. eines Bildes. Alwe bietet durch sein minimalistisches Design einen außergewöhnlichen Blickfang mit lebendigen, atmenden Materialien. Damit ist Alwe ideal für eine moderne Gestaltung Ihrer Wohn- und Büroräume.
Algen brauchen nur Licht und Wasser, um erfolgreich Schadstoffe zu absorbieren.
Alwe kann – wie ein Bild – einfach aufgehängt werden. Die Algen werden über einen Tank mit Wasser versorgt.
Mit den grünen superpowers of microalgae Alwe™ takes harmful air pollutants, such as CO2, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Particulate matter and Chemicals (VOCs) and deactivates these.
With Alwe™ Function meets Design. The natural air cleansing know from plants or algae are combined with space-efficient design. eines Bildes. Alwe bietet durch sein minimalistisches Design einen außergewöhnlichen Blickfang mit lebendigen, atmenden Materialien. Damit ist Alwe ideal für eine moderne Gestaltung Ihrer Wohn- und Büroräume.
Algen brauchen nur Licht und Wasser, um erfolgreich Schadstoffe zu absorbieren.
Alwe kann – wie ein Bild – einfach aufgehängt werden. Die Algen werden über einen Tank mit Wasser versorgt.
Auf Anfrage übernehmen wir für Unternehmen Planung, Installation und Wartung und stellen immer beste Qualität sicher. Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter haben keinen zusätzlichen Aufwand! Nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt mit uns auf.
Alwe - The algae picture
Living algae pictures provide naturally better air indoors. With the green superpowers of microalgae Alwe™ takes harmful air pollutants, such as CO2, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Particulate matter and Chemicals (VOCs) and deactivates these.
Microalgae are much better suited for indoor use because they can use light much more more efficient compared to plants as they are better adapted to low light conditions and Oxygen .
With Alwe™ Function meets Design. The natural air cleansing know from plants or algae are combined with space-efficient design. eines Bildes.
Green walls as air purifiers

An air purifier for your home and office
Alwe, our natural square garden for the wall, not only contributes to a natural atmosphere in your interiors, but is also able to effectively filter air pollutants from your indoor air.
The advantages of our algae picture, compared to conventional plants and pictures in the living room and office, are numerous:
Our algae picture is an air cleaner, a humidifier and a modern piece of furniture at the same time. Thanks to our microalgae biofilm, an oxygen producing photosynthesis with minimal space requirements is achieved. In this way, our algae picture creates a pleasant room climate much more efficiently than ordinary plants and binds the air pollutants in your rooms. In addition, Alwe50 is not just a green picture, but with its minimalist design it is an extraordinary eye-catcher with living, breathing materials. This makes Alwe ideal for a more natural and modern design of your living and office spaces.

Sustainability Award Design
Alwe is officially nominated for the German Sustainability Award Design. The nomination confirms the special design quality and sustainable impact of the solution. According to a recent study by the University of Hohenheim on the importance of sustainability and environmental competitions in Germany, the DNP is both the best known and the most coveted award in this field.
What are microalgae?
Microalgae are unicellular microorganisms that belong to the class of phototrophic organisms, i.e. they carry out photosynthesis. This means that microalgae, just like plants, use light to bind carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Why use algae?
Alwe - The algae image uses specially selected microalgae, which are found in nature especially under stones. As a result, these organisms are adapted to be active even under very difficult light conditions - such as those we find in our interiors - and to carry out effective photosynthesis, among other things. For this purpose they have developed extraordinary photosystems, which are clearly different from those of plants.
Microalgae have a more flexible metabolism than plants, for example, and can therefore break down a large number of pollutants.
Where does the name Alwe come from?
The name Alwe is composed of the purely descriptive term "algae wall" and the term "to awe". "Awe" means a feeling of wonder and admiration. The fusion of both terms gives rise to the neologism "Alwe", which is a symbol for our fascination with one of the oldest forms of life on this planet - microalgae.
What are Alwe's measurements?
The current dimensions of Alwe50 are 50x50x5cm. The weight is 1.2 kg when empty and about 1.5 kg when filled.
How does Alwe improve air quality?
In biologically correct terms, the algae are blue-green algae, i.e. cyanobacteria. These are adapted to low light and have special pigments that enable photosynthesis even at the lowest light levels. This makes microalgae biofilms more efficient than plants and also air improvers in places where plants die mercilessly.
In investigations with the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the Technical University of Berlin, we have also discovered that microalgae biofilms can effectively bind air pollutants that are hazardous to health, such as nitrogen oxides and fine dust.
Initial tests at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing also point to the reduction of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) escaping from paints and building materials. Microalgae have a more flexible metabolism than plants, for example, and can therefore break down a large number of these pollutants.
Where do I hang my Alwe most effectively?
Microalgae need light for their metabolism. Our algae picture is therefore best suited for rooms that are at least partially exposed to the sun.
However, please avoid attaching Alwe to surfaces that are often exposed to direct sunlight. If there is too much sunlight, more water will evaporate and the microalgae may start to break down their photo systems. The result is the fading of the biofilm. Should this happen, do not panic: Just leave Alwe in a shady place for some time and the biofilm will regenerate.
How much maintanance does Alwe require?
When designing Alwe, it was particularly important to us to keep the handling simple and manageable. That's why there is a small water tank in each Alwe, which needs to be refilled approximately every two weeks.
Does the colour of Alwe change over time?
Yes, Alwe consists of living algae which adapt to the local light conditions. In shady areas the algae take on a deep green colour, as the micro-algae accumulate more pigments to absorb light more effectively. In semi-shade areas, the micro-algae need less pigments for successful photosynthesis and thus get a rather juicy and natural green colour.
In direct sunlight there is an overflow of energy in the algae. Under certain circumstances, this may cause the algae to actively break down their photo systems. The result is a colour change to light green or yellowish.
How long does a biofilm live?
Algae films have not yet been researched in the long term, as these materials are completely new. However, we have not been able to identify any time limits in our previous R&D projects. Some of our algae films are already 4 years old and still healthy and productive, which is even more important. As algae films are living materials, no general statement can be made about their lifetime, as this obviously depends on care and local conditions. As far as we know, however, our biofilms are very robust, making them suitable even for users with brown rather than green thumbs.
With the purchase an Alwe we guarantee a minimum service life of 6 months. If problems occur within this period, you can return your Alwe without any problems and have it replaced by us.
Even after this period of 6 months you can of course always have your Alwe checked by us or you can try out one of our new biofilms. Please feel free to contact our service team.
Why are microalgae more effective than plants?
In interiors, lighting in particular differs from natural light. Even with perceived bright interior lighting, the photosynthetically activating radiation is very low. This is because normal indoor lighting lacks the red and violet components of natural light that most plants need for photosynthesis. The microalgae biofilms we use, on the contrary, have special pigments that enable them to use light outside the red and violet spectrum for photosynthesis.
In addition, microalgae do not have roots or a stem and are therefore metabolically more effective compared to plants.
Can Alwe break and the microalgae spread?
In Alwe there is an artificial ecosystem that the microalgae need in order to survive. Outside of Alwe the microalgae cannot survive and will therefore not be able to spread. nicht ausbreiten oder Ähnliches.
Alwe is also thoroughly checked for leaks before delivery. When Dichtigkeit überprüft. Wir können entsprechend garantieren, dass beim Anbringen von Alwe is installed, there are no leaks that could promote the possible spread of algae.
The algae used in Alwe are natural and harmless. natürlich und ungefährlichThey are immobilised on a surface and can be easily collected and disposed of via normal household waste.
From the outside our algae picture is very similar to a living picture with a frame. This of course also means that Alwe can be broken if incorrectly attached.
Are the microalgae safe?
Our carefully cultivated microalgae belong to the so-called safety level 1, which describes organisms that are unlikely to have a negative effect on health. This means that they are not dangerous to animals, humans, plants or water and can be used without restrictions. Organisms from the food industry such as cultures of yoghurt or baker's yeast also belong to this safety class.
Our biofilms are produced under sterile conditions. Only when the biofilms have formed their characteristic protective skin layer are they released by us for usage in the algae image "Alwe".