The algae picture: Making gray walls green
Biological air purifier and green design
Biodegrading air pollutants with living wall elements
Lebendiger Luftfilter
Alwe ist ein moderner Luftfilter. Er nutzt lebendige Algen, um Schadstoffe aus der Luft zu filtern und Sauerstoff abzugeben.
Smarter Rahmen
Der smarte Designerrahmen von Alwe fördert die Luftzirkulation und sorgt durch einen Wassertank für eine optimale Bewässerung.
Macht die Luft gesünder
Alwe verbessert nicht nur das Raumklima, sondern filtert die Luft von Schadstoffen
auf bis zu 25 m².
Your Alwe delivery at a glance
Home delivery, 6 months warranty, easy replacement
Das kommt zu dir nach Hause
Neben dem Alwe im Karton kommt eine Anleitung, eine Wasserflasche und ein Dünger mit zu dir.
6 months warranty
Verwahre den Karton gut! Sollte etwas an dein Algenbild kommen, kannst du uns Alwe kostenlos wieder zuschicken.
Green Care
Sollte nach Ablauf deiner Garantie etwas an Alwe passieren, kannst du die Algen für nur 59,- tauschen lassen.
Air purification with algae: The algae picture from Solaga
Algae in the picture - Biological air purifier
Everyone is familiar with the situation when, after some time of concentrated activity, it suddenly becomes apparent that the air quality of a room has decreased significantly.
It is obviously clear that this did not change abruptly, but continuously. To prevent this effect we have Alwe invented. We make the metabolic activity of the Algea which are stimulated more intensively with a greater load. fresh air to create. Alwe begins to breathe as soon as they do.
Oxygen concentrations below 19.5% not only lead to lack of concentration, headaches and discomfort, they are also dangerous for the body and its organs. Increased immune reactions and decreasing performance occur. The fact that the body is then unable to recover properly leads to a downward spiral of exhaustion. Furthermore, there are quite a few pathogens and pollutants in the air, which bring individual threats. So, our home is exposed to daily stresses that are not always visible to the naked eye. These include threats from particulate matter, volatile gases, bacteria.
Your algae picture is simply attached to the wall. At the back is a water tank that supplies the algae with moisture.
Air enters
The algae inside the algae housing breathe through photosynthesis. This supports the air circulation through the algae.
Algae bind and decompose
air pollutants
At the surface between air and algae, air pollutants are bound and metabolized by the algae. The result is of course better air.
Poor indoor climate is improved by algae
Alwe is the best answer to all these influences, because Alwe harnesses the survivability of living organisms to create clean air naturally:
Alwe is an eco-efficient wall decoration. The algae pattern brings life to the wall - space-saving and easy to clean. At the heart of Alwe is a living microalgae biofilm that actively binds and renders harmless air pollutants as an air purifier. Ventilation openings on the left and right sides integrate Alwe into the room's natural air circulation. Air pollutants are trapped on the moist surface of the microalgae biofilm. The trapped pollutants are then deactivated and consumed by the immobilized microalgae.
First place
BIO Founders Competition
Approximately 100 guests from science, business and politics selected from new innovations.
German Sustainability Award
Our Alwe was nominated for the "German Sustainability Award Design 2021".
Award winner
Germany Land of Ideas
The project "Solar Gas Plant Solaga" is one of the 100 innovative winners of the competition.
Research for the future
Urban air purification, green facades, green energy
Urban air purification
Algae, unlike plants, do not need a specific substrate - no "soil". In the urban algae filter, algae arranged in multiple stages remove pollutants from roads and industrial plants.
The research is focused on the development of new facade elements and builds on the vertical use of algae. At the end of the project, the first facade elements for houses and cities that are greened with algae will be manufactured.
Green energy
Algae not only absorb pollutants, but also produce valuable materials in the process. Solaga deals with the entry into a circular economy and researches the production and use for the bioeconomy and green energy sources: hydrogen and biogas.
It has been known for some time that greenery is good for the air indoors. Instead of monstera and rubber trees, the Berlin-based start-up Solaga relies on microalgae, such as those found under stones, whose photosynthesis is more efficient than that of plants.
With dire climate change reports landing one after another in 2018 the need for sustainable, scalable, and affordable biofuels to aid in this transition to a more sustainable future has never been greater.