Smart City
Smart City: Measuring air quality
"The term`Smart Cities`stands for the development and use of digital technologies in almost all areas at municipal level." (BMI)
In addition to products for sustainable air purification through algae, Solaga develops sensors and systems for data processing to record and analyze air data. The same applies to controlling the optimal supply of algae. This also includes the visualization for customers and users.

Solaga will equip air purification products with sensors to monitor air quality.
The sensor measures the amount of CO2 and TVOCs. NOx and particles in the air can be detected in a similar way: measured data can be visualized in a user-friendly way. The visualization of the data is made possible by a display unit which is connected to the sensors. a power supply is also integrated. The measuring sensor has a compact size which provides reliable and high-resolution data (ppm). The air quality monitoring circuit monitors the air outlet and displays the pollutant concentrations on a screen.
Similar units are also planned for the urban algae filter. By networking several filters, the data can be analyzed at different points in cities and statements on the development of air quality can be derived.
Other sensors should guarantee water supply and optimal performance of the algae.